Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Community Poling Through Neighborhood Watch Essay

Community Poling Through Neighborhood Watch - Essay Example Neighborhood watches have long been argued as an effective way to empower the community where its members actively participate in crime prevention. Neighborhood watches are also perceived as â€Å"easy to start† as the members would only act the role of â€Å"eyes and ears† of the police force (Williamson, 2008, p. 98). Lastly, this paper supports the hypothesis that there are many ways to gain support for a neighborhood watch if only communication, cooperation, education, and forums are to be highlighted. Neighborhood Watch Not all people may know the concept of neighborhood watch or even its basic forms and processes. Neighborhood watch works toward the concept of crime prevention and reducing fear of crime (Stephens, 2000, p. 19). It is one of the basic forms of homeland security where community members are empowered through active participation in crime monitoring and reporting and feel safe due to the perception that community members will help one another against the threat of burglary and other projected crimes. For the last two decades, neighborhood watch has been so popular because of its dynamics. ... 270–273). There is no need for a neighborhood watch to risk their lives by going out to the suspected crime area. A simple alarm and notification system would serve the purpose of crime prevention. How do we initiate a neighborhood watch in the community? The process of neighborhood watch starts with recruitment or enlistment. First, one will enlist local members of the neighborhood to assist crime prevention officials. Members should voluntarily agree and participate in a neighborhood watch, and coercion is prohibited. Second, they will need to contact their local law enforcement agency to schedule a meeting. Third, members will discuss community concerns and will develop a community action plan about the identified concerns. Fourth, members conduct regular meetings and trainings to develop relevant skills. Lastly, a neighborhood watch member will implement a phone tree and action steps so that a systematic and fast notification could be done regularly. A neighborhood watch m ember must remember and implement these steps carefully to foster a successful neighborhood watch program which will lead to effective reduction of crime rates. The local crime prevention officer holds the most important role in a neighborhood watch including his regular attendance in the meetings. As the local crime prevention officer, he is responsible for explaining the duties of each member of the neighborhood watch. He also sets the time and place of meetings which could be held in a home or local community house. In the said meeting, a leader of the neighborhood watch team is established, who could gather facts about the crime, check police reports, do victimization surveys, learn

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Societal response Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Societal response - Term Paper Example The disintegration of the European feudal society perception on the underclass through the Black plague exemplifies a form of societal collapse. The outcome shows different reactions, on the European side it was a failure while for the underclass it was a break through to exercise their rights because they escaped the burden of the exploitative elites and the onerous taxes. Therefore, though there exists different form societal failure, the outcome presents both beneficial and detrimental effects on both the forces in question (Diamond 5). Societal collapse has been used to express the desertion of human cultures. Nevertheless, a clear explanation as to why such extinctions occur has been escalated by abrupt societal demise such as the Mayan civilization. Similarly, a prolonged decline of a society contributes towards failure to derive a distinct explanation for the society’s failure. A notable example is the observed gradual fall of superpowers such as the East Asia’s Han dynasty and Roman Empire in the Western Europe. These examples show examples of cultures that have failed in regards to self destructing consequences of civilization unlike the preconceived advantages of civilization to other states. Continuously, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors have been notable as key to collapse of most societies. Just like an out of balance entire system, these factors manifest themselves in a combined form. Diamond presents his perception on the causes of success and failures in a society through several examples. In regards to the examples of two farms, different societies dominate their areas of jurisdiction due to their own strength. Diamond uses two farms Harns and Bans that were similar in sizes (Diamond 21). However, despite their prosperous nature, they are vulnerable because they are located in economically marginal districts. This is based on the short summer growing season that is suitable for pasture production. As a result both farms are vulnerable to becoming extinct due to climatic conditions. Geographical location of the farms limits their access to markets. Both farms are hostages of forces beyond their control such as change of tastes and affluence of the neighbors and customers. However, evaluation of these farms at the moment of prosperity does not guarantee an individual to experet a decline. Similarly societies emerge, dominate their regions but due to factors beyond its control leads to their extinction as noted in Diamond example where Gardar farms has declined while Huls farm has continued to advance. Huls sustenance is attributed to adoption of new cultures such as the advanced technologies. It is inherent that technologically advanced and richest societies suffer economic and environmental problems that need to be taken into account in order to avoid failure of the societies. According to Diamond, appreciation of the past societal transformation provides the current societies with an opp ortunity to avoid failures but rather embrace changes that leads to success. In regards to collapse of Norse Greenland, a past society, Diamond perceives collapse as a drastic decline in political, economic, social complexity and human population. Before a society is termed a collapsed society, arbitrarily is not conceivable on how the society can be defined in order to be classified